At AdTranquility, we value your satisfaction with our product. However, if you find that AdTranquility no longer meets your needs, you have full flexibility to cancel your subscription at any time.
We offer a no-questions-asked cancellation and refund policy for all charges incurred within the last 30 days.
For a comprehensive understanding of our cancellation and refund policy, please refer to our Cancellation and Refund Policy.
To cancel and refund your subscription, please use the form below:
Once you submit your cancellation and refund request:
While we process refunds immediately, the exact timeline required for it to be credited back to your account may vary due to your bank’s policies, which are beyond our control. In the rare case that 30 business days have passed, and the refund is still not credited to your account, please contact our Support Team for additional assistance.
If you can’t recall the email you used for your AdTranquility subscription, please refer to section B. I don’t know my customer email of our Cancel and refund your subscription help article.
If you need our assistance in Cancelling and Refunding your subscription, please contact us via: